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Notice 2016-013 – CSE Trading Fee Schedule

August 19, 2016

The Canadian Securities Exchange ("CSE") announces changes to its trade execution fees for securities listed on the TSX Venture Exchange that will take effect on September 1, 2016.  The fee changes are designed to reduce trade execution costs for the dealer community and their clients.

Trading fees for stocks trading equal to or above ten (10) cents will be capped at thirty (30) dollars.   The base rates for TSX Venture Exchange listed securities are being reduced as follows:

Price Range per Share

Current Fee

New Fee



$0.0002 with $30 cap

>=$0.10 and <$1


$0.00007 with $30 cap


$0.00004 with $15 cap

$0.00002 with $15 cap


Quick link:

Trading Fee Schedule

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact: